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Monday, March 3, 2008

The Ultimate Weight Loss solution!

So, sickness is the best way to lose weight. Being so close to my 1st goal, I weighed myself this morning. I know I shouldn't have and that I should only weigh myself once a week for more accurate results. But, I am anxious for a movie, so I did anyway and I now weigh 355lbs! That means I have lost 11 lbs since I started this challenge and I can now see a movie! YAY!!!

On that note, I am altering the rules a bit now. I am still trying to lose weight, but now, for every 5 pounds I lose, I can see a movie. 10 was a bit to hard for me, although being sick helped me achieve the goal. As before, I am still trying to lose 25 lbs by the time The Dark Knight comes out. And here will be my new goal as well: I will be allowed to see movies any time I want, whenever I want, like before, no weight goal setting, once I get down to 300 lbs.

I tried working out today after missing it for 2 weeks due to my sickness and did pretty well. However, my throat is still sore and I am not 100%, so I only did 2 of my 3 reps for each set and I had a hard time breathing during my cardio, so I only did 16 minutes of the 30 I usually do at the end of my work out session.

And what was with the person commenting on my Sjogren syndrome stuff in the last post? I think I am well advised enough at how my sinus infections relate to Sjogren's syndrome and my mother and her dealings with it. So there. meh.

Lastly, rehearsals are going well... I've only had one really, but I am off book for what I was rehearsing. lol. Have a great week all!

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