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Monday, November 10, 2008

Weighing in on haircuts, robberies and other stuff

So, a few busy things this past week:

1. I didn't lose any weight, but I was able to get a FINAL evaluation on my weight. I officially weighed myself at the doctor's office when I took Anisha in for her 18 month check up and confirmed that my scale at home is 5 lbs above where it should be. I am still at 324 lbs.

2. Anisha got her first haircut this past Thursday. She didn't really have long hair, but her bangs kept falling in front of her eyes alot and so we got it trimmed. She didn't like the whole procedure. She cried all through it, mostly because she couldn't suck her thumb for comfort. But, her crying soon stopped when the hair care lady gave Anisha her 1st sucker, and she REALLY loved that.

Anisha Before

Anisha during (doesn't like it much)

Anisha After
And finally, calmed down with a sucker

3. We were robbed again! Some dastardly criminal came and took... THE BOTTLES off our deck. SERIOUSLY! I went to put out some pop bottles the other day and noticed that the big black garbage bag they are usually in was gone. I asked my parents, who were up visiting, if they put it elsewhere in their cleaning and they said no. We checked around the whole house and outside and nothing. So, someone decided to take the hard earned, and drunken, $2-$3 we collected for their own use. While I am thankful nothing more expensive was taken (like our $350 baby stroller which was right beside it), I was wondering how petty people in this area of town REALLY are. Sad, sad...

4. Our car now has a remote car starter in it, so no more going out in the cold mornings to start it for Alison and Anisha. I can do that from inside the comfort of our kitchen.

5. I survived Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews last Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday was VERY slow for me: 3 parents in 3 hours. I got a lot of work done that night. Thursday was a different story: 13 parents! Busy night that night. Of course, as per usual, the parents that I DID want to show up never did. Such is life. After Thursday's Interviews, the teachers gathered in the lounge for some beer and nachos. I was surprised to learn that the school is licensed to serve alcohol. Then I realized that it is a Catholic school across from a Catholic church... after funerals or weddings at the church, the school is rented out for the fellowship/wake after and them Catholics like their wine and beer.

6. My parents came up on Monday last week and seemed to enjoy themselves whilst being here. However, as per every other time they have come up, my mom got sick again so they went back a little early. Dad was looking like he was getting sick to, but he got over it, I think. It was nice to have them up to see how big Anisha had grown.

7. Speaking of Anisha, she is now 18 months old, 24 lbs 5.5 oz, and 31.5 inches long. Almost perfect height and weight for her age. At her new childcare, they tell us she eats VERY well. I wish she would do that at home instead of trying to feed Daxx. lol. But she does eat good here too; in fact, Ali or I cannot enjoy a meal without her begging for a bit. Funny baby. She had a few days stint last week where she would wake up at 3:30am or 4:30am and want to get up. With how busy Ali and I were last week, Anisha fouling up our sleep patterns didn't help with our resistance to sickness, so Ali and I were feeling a little under the weather at the end of the week. Anisha seems to be back to full night sleeping again, thank goodness we have a good sleeper, generally. But man, those 6am weekend wakeup calls are not always fun... lol

8. Ali's brother Matthew and his bride-to-be, Lindsey, are in Mexico right now, getting married on Thursday. The rest of the family is there too. Hopefully they won't get caught in any tropical storms. We wish we could have gone, but we can't. We are saving up for our 1st house and downpayments aren't cheap.

9. My play, Self-Help, that I am stage managing, opens up on November 28th and it is looking VERY good. Such a funny, funny play with LOTS of inuendo and quick humour.

Wow, thats a lot to talk about. Have a great week everyone and take it easy!

Anisha and her winter get up for the cold. Cutie!

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