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Friday, September 26, 2008

Down with the sickness...

So, I have recently been reminded of the pathos of working with grubby kids... I can get sick quicker. I am already feeling roughed up in the head and throat from a slight cold or flu. Plus, Anisha was a little ill earlier this week and woke up in the middle of the night a couple of nights, so both Ali and I lost some sleep and thus, lowered our defenses to illness. Ali is getting better, but I am now just getting it.

I've been so busy with school, rehearsals, and Sylvan, its hard to find time to work out. So I gained a pound again and now I am up to 332 lbs. Now that I am a little sick, this may affect me even more to not work out due to no energy, but I will see what I can muster.

Athabasca University FINALLY marked my Calculus final and posted my mark. I am not overly pleased with the mark I got on the final, which was a 55.6%, BUT, when calculated into my overall final mark, I finish the course with a 70.71%, which is about a 2.8 GPA, or a B- for those of the old school persuasion. I also wrote my Statistics Midterm today which went very well. Only one question really gave me a hard time, but that was only because I had two possible choices of formulas to use and the question wasn't clear enough as to which one to use, so I wrote both and then wrote a note (which is Athabasca U's exam policy).

Anisha is well. Her Daycare has told us that there is a Chicken Pox case at the Daycare so be warned. I say good... kids need to get that over and done with quickly in life. Other than that, Anisha is great and is feeling much better than earlier in the week.

Alison is also getting better from her flash illness earlier this week. Her Sparks group is keeping her busy with all the planned events.

This weekend, all of us are going to Saskatoon on Sunday to explore the big city! Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

A couple of nights?? A COUPLE OF NIGHTS? LMAO!

Suck it up, Princess. In the last 2 years there's been maybe 4 nights that Connor HASN'T woken up. Count your blessings that you have a good sleeper, my friend.