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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Hot Summer

This long delay of posting is not like me. I guess some family updates are needed.

In addition to the new puppy, Keiko, Anisha received a Betta fish for her Birthday. She named him Flash.

Anisha and Flash the fish
I was able to get to some schools in the Prince Albert Area and promote my books. I did some great business and ended up selling out of all my English Kids books. I have ordered more.

Author setup at Ecole Vickers School
Keiko has gotten very comfortable with the family and is fitting in nicely. She still likes to chew, but she is a nut job when it comes to sleeping.
I guess she's comfortable
I released by second kids book, My Book is Broken, in May and did a book reading at the local library. There was some media coverage on Here are the links:

A picture from the book reading
In early June, I started back into my Convention mode by attending the Saskatoon Blitz. I had fun last year, but this year was slower and filled with some pretty bad controversy. I didn't witness the incident, but I don't think I will be returning next year. Anisha came down to help out and we got some fun pics.

Cara, Anisha, & I at out table
Anisha having fun with the Furries
She passed out fast asleep on the way home from the Blitz.
While I didn't win the best local Author award, I was asked to represent my theatre group, Odyssey Productions. Here I am with a fellow Odyssey board member, Adreanna, who won best local actor.

I think one of the reasons Keiko calmed down was perhaps after she got spayed. This is her shame-picture during recovery when she had to wear a cone.

After not having the slides open last year, the Kinsmen Waterpark finally reopened them this year. It worked out that the first night it opened was on a night my work was having a family private booking.

If you haven't heard, I was hired back at Sask Pen as a teacher. Since I started June 1, I was not able to join Ali, Anisha, and Samantha on their yearly vacation to Alberta to visit Alison's parents' cabin. Here are some pics they took over the Canada Day week!

The summer is hot here in PA. The fires up near La Ronge are triggering smoke & air quality warnings as of late.
I should have more info on my new books later this August.

Have a great summer all!

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