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Saturday, November 24, 2012

I'm an Asshole, and proud of it.

Dennis Leary said it best.

Tonight was the World Premiere of Last Christmas by Neil Fleming. After a whirlwind day of  interviews and chatting with post-secondary classes, I took Neil out to lunch and then hung out with him in the afternoon. We even caught a nap in the green room on their couches. Then their was the play reading, then the opening show.

The cast and crew did great and it was a joy to watch and hear the audience react. Neil, who was flown up for the show, really liked it and had positive feedback on the show.

During Act 1, there was a table near me being disruptive and talking during the show. Turns out they had been drinking since 4pm and had ordered a lot of drinks tonight. I shushed them a couple of times. At intermission, I approached the table and asked them nicely to keep it down during the next act because they are disrupting the people near them who are trying to enjoy the show. One guy asked who I was and I said I was the director and I didn't appreciate them interrupting my show. The really drunk ones apologized and said they would keep it down. One guy looked at me and said "I'm sitting right next to them and they're not being disruptive." I replied that I was sitting behind them and that they were disturbing me.

After the show was done, the same guy who said he wasn't being disturbed tapped me on the shoulder. I turned and he said. "Great show, but you're an asshole."

I was on such a high from the show, I couldn't help but be positive. "Thank you. Merry Christmas." I replied as he walked away.

He didn't like that I guess, because he came back to me. "You know what," he started, "I'll be on a fucking stage more often than you'll ever fucking be!"

Again, I replied with positivity: "Thank you again sir. Merry Christmas. God bless you sir."

And he stormed away.

Drunks. Can't ruin my high from the show.
And you know what... Dennis Leary was right.

I'm an Asshole, and I'm proud of it.

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