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Friday, January 9, 2009

Weighing in on Chistmas

Well, it has been a busy Christmas Season. It was so busy that I never got the chance to write anything in my blog.

1. To start, I gained weight over Xmas. I gained up to 334 lbs, so that isn't good. I am now fighting my way back down again so I will have to come up with a new goal for this new year.

2. I have been having issues with my back molar cap falling off. I finally got my act together and got the work done to get a new cap. I had a Temp-cap on my tooth over Christmas, but it really hurt for the most part. I was on lots of advil. Now, I finally have my new cap and it doesn't hurt so much anymore. In a few days, it should be back to normal and I will be able to eat anything again, yay!

3. So, for Christmas, Ali and I drove to Camrose on Christmas Eve and spent that night, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day with Alison's parents. We had lots of fun there and Anisha really liked picking at their Christmas Tree. Anisha even got presents from her relatives overseas from England: pyjamas I do believe. We then drove to Sherwood Park to spend time with my parents. We opened more presents on Dec 27 morn when we arrived. After, we trekked over to Matthew and Lindsey's to open presents there with them. Anisha's big present this year stayed in Prince Albert: a potty. We'll talk more about that later.

To see pictures of Christmas in Alberta, click this line or the picture below:

4. Alison had to work on Dec 29, Monday, so she drove back to Prince Albert on Sunday and Anisha and I stayed in Sherwood Park all week, over New Years. I got to visit with some old friends from the YMCA which was fun and I got to see some movies (yeah, I broke my movie plan because it was Christmas). I also got to take Anisha to West Edmonton Mall and we saw the Underground caves, PJ's Pets, and play in the Galaxyland Kids Park. She LOVED the Merry-go-round and playing in the ball pit. When the week was through, Anisha and I flew back to Saskatoon from Edmonton via the best airline the world: WESTJET! Alison met us in Saskatoon on Saturday and said that of all the flights landing in Saskatoon that morning, only WestJet was arriving on time. Air Canada was all delayed. It was great to get back home and be with Alison. Anisha and I had a good visit with my mom and my own Nanny, who is 81!

To see pictures of Anisha's adventures at West Edmonton mall, click this line or the picture below:

5. My contract with St. Mary High School ends on Jan 26th and then I head back to subbing. I actually have a full week of subbing in the morning booked for February which is awesome.

6. Alison will be putting on a Winter carnival for her Guiding division soon and will be interviewed by the local CTV news about it and Guiding in general on Tuesday, so I will try and get a copy of her interview for everyone to see.

7. Anisha is speaking a lot more now, or at least parroting what we say to her. She likes to ask to watch Barney, Dora or Elmo. Her interest in "In the Night Garden" is beginning to weaken.
8. As mentioned earlier, Ali and I bought Anisha a potty for Christmas. We showed her how to sit on it and ask. At her childcare, they put her on it from time to time when she asks. She never does anything in the potty, but its great to introduce it to her now so she gets comfy with it. She already often lets Ali and I know when she has done business in her diaper. Last night, Anisha asked to sit on the potty. I put her on and after about 12 seconds, she stood up again. I got her diaper back on and she stood by the potty and looked at it. When I asked her what was wrong, she pointed into the potty and I looked. Anisha had ACTUALLY peed in the potty. I was SOOOOO happy. I took the potty with Anisha and we flushed her pee down the toilet together. I told her she was a big girl and gave her lots of praise. YAY ANISHA!!!

That seems to be it for here in Prince Albert. Have a great week everyone!

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