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Friday, September 12, 2008

Weighing in on busy weeks

So after my parents left, Alison and I took off to Camrose to visit Robin and Margaret and then to Sherwood Park for Connor's 2nd B-Day. It was a ton of fun. Anisha had a blast too even if the picture below doesn't show that.

Once we got back, it was auditions for my show that I will be stage managing. Lots of great people auditioned and the director chose a great cast. We have our first read through next week.

I gained some weight while I was away and went up to 337 lbs, but because this week has been busy and I have been eating less and walking more with my new job, I am back down to a nice 332 lbs. Still one pound heavier than I was a few weeks ago, but that's ok.

So some of you are asking, what new job? Well, I got interviewed for a teaching position with the Catholic School board and I got a job teaching!!! I am teaching 4 classes of Math 10 at the local Catholic High School, St. Mary. I will be getting a 5th class shortly, they just need to organize the schedule a bit more. Due to the large number of kids registered in Grade 10, they needed a new teacher. So, yay me!

Anisha is doing well. Not much new with her. Still a busy girl. Alison starts Sparks next week and is really busy planning that.

Have a great week all!

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