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Monday, July 14, 2008

Our Little Picaso

Anisha gets dropped off at Childcare around 8:15 AM and is the only one in her age group (0-24 mos) until 10 or 11 am (The rest of the kids in her room are on subsidy so have shorter hours). While she waits for the other kids to show, she hangs out with the older kids. Last week, the older kids were doing a craft, so the caregivers decided to include Anisha instead of having her sit out or do something else. They traced her hands and arm, made copies, gave it to Anisha to color on and then made a tree. It is her 1st craft ever and it looks gorgeous!

When we went grocery shopping, we picked up some crayons and paper to try this at home. She doodled for a few seconds, then decided to try and eat the crayons, throw them, and then play her new game of put everything in the crayon box. Below are some pics of the fun:

So we also went garage sale shopping this past weekend and bought Anisha 6 pairs of shoes including a pair of rubber boots, all for $10. Then we found a place selling toys and Anisha LOVED the Popple stuffed animal that we found. Does anyone else our age (25-35) remember these toys? Anisha loved it and giggles when we pop it open for her:

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